Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. Consult your doctor or health professional about health issues.
Are you hungry all the time? So was I. Read on for the cause and solution.
Bears and other animals hibernate in winter when food is scarce. To survive a few months hibernating with no food, they need to eat a LOT of food during the summer and fall, when food is plentiful. What can we learn about this fascinating survival tactic?
I thought about this puzzle for a long time. During the summer, when food is plentiful, does the bear KNOW that it needs to eat a lot? Is there a thought process involved where the bear consciously makes a decision to eat a lot? Or, is there some unconscious, unknown force that causes the bear to feel ravenously hungry, and compels the bear to eat much more than usual to bulk up for the winter hibernation?
Nature is very clever in order to survive. I realized that nature has come up with an ingenious way to make the bear feel hungry even when it is eating a lot. The bear is eating a lot, it shouldn’t fell hungry, but nature knows that for the bear to survive the coming winter, it must eat even more and get fat. Bears that didn’t eat a lot perished in the harsh winter. Natural selection at work.
What is this mysterious force that compels the bear to eat more, even when it is already eating a lot? I believe it is high insulin. High insulin causes these hunger pangs which cause the bear to eat even more. Are you understanding this? The bear is constantly hungry whenever there is a lot of food around! Of course!! The bear is eating a lot, which causes high insulin, which causes hunger pangs, which causes the bear to eat even more. This is what compels the bear to get fat during the summer, in order to survive the coming winter. Equally important is insulin’s role as a fat storage hormone (more on this below). High insulin causes the bear to eat more and store fat.
Simultaneously, when the bear is hibernating, it is not eating. Insulin falls, and hunger pangs subside, allowing the bear to sleep. It’s a brilliant system.
When we eat a lot, we feel full. Ok, understood about that. But we feel hungry again a short time later. This is exactly the same as the bear in the summer time. Nature is trying to make us fat when food is plentiful, just like the bear. This should not be a surprise! We might have died out as a species long ago if nature didn’t compel us to eat more when food is plentiful.
If you can answer this one question, you are well on your way to solving your own weight problem. The one question you need to ask yourself is this:
Fat people might have one million calories of energy stored in fat around their bodies (about 110kg of fat). Why are they feeling hungry? They should NOT feel hungry. If they are hungry, something is wrong with their bodies!
If you are understanding what I just wrote here, then you will understand that the key to losing weight effortlessly is you must get your insulin levels down. What do I mean by “losing weight effortlessly”? It means: no dieting, no exercise, no meds, no hungry feeling, nothing, and eating normal amounts of proteins, fats, and low carbs. Lose weight by getting your insulin levels down.
What is the best way to get your insulin levels down? Once again, we can look at the bear and learn a lesson. How is the bear losing weight effortlessly during hibernation? Fasting is one of the best ways to lower your insulin. Studies had shown that a twenty four hour fast can lower your insulin levels about seventy percent.
I am disappointed when someone tells me the passe cliché “Calories in, calories out”. Let me pose a different question to expose some nuance. Say two people with identical metabolisms are going on diets to lose weight.
Alright, so far, so good. Now, we give ONE of the participants a zero calorie pill which completely eliminates any feelings of hunger. To the other participant, we give a pill which makes them feel ravenously hungry all the time.
Question: Who has a greater chance at success losing weight?
Getting your insulin under control is like taking the pill to not feel hungry.
Update Jan. 29, 2025
I have found that few people are able to read and understand unless they already understand. If you are still reading, great. I have some additional compelling information.
Before the discovery of insulin, diabetes was a death sentence. Do you know what the symptoms were? Unexplained weight loss, unable to absorb nutrients of any kind, no matter what these patients are eating. It’s not about calories in, calories out! It’s about hormones. Do a little research on “diabetes before insulin”. THIS is what happens to you if you lower your insulin! You lose weight.

The corollary of this is: what happens when there is too much insulin? Please search for “lipohypertrophy” and click on “images”. Typically this condition is a well-known complication of diabetes that occurs at the site of repeated insulin injections.. Hopefully, you can logically tie this all together. High insulin causes fat storage! It’s not about calories in, calories out. It’s about hormones.

Please understand good reader, no one is saying don’t exercise. Exercise boosts your strength and cardiovascular health. It’s wonderful; please do it. The point here is: exercise is not sufficient for long term weight loss if your hormones are not in control. This is evident by observing the long term success rate of diet and exercise programs. Without hormone control, the success rate is dismal. Yes, temporary results are common, long term results, sorry no.